3 Kundalini Practices During Pregnancy

Kundalini & Pregnancy

Many of you that follow my journey and work with me know that Kundalini is a foundation to everything I do. It was a practice that landed into my physical space while I was living out in Vancouver many years ago. At first I was wondering what did I get myself into and why are we moving like this. But the feeling after class was like nothing I have ever experienced. Then the unravelling happened and I began to study and dive deeper into the teachings from Yogi Bhajan.

It is a beautiful practice to strengthen the nervous system and balance the endocrine system along with many other benefits. But specifically with pregnancy this practice can prepare your body, assist with letting go of fear, elevate your babies consciousness, and guide you through a journey of honouring the maiden to welcome in the mother.

Pregnancy is an initiation process for a woman. It’s a process of walking into the unknown, surrendering who you once thought you were, and welcoming in a more radiant and alive version of yourself. Pregnancy is sacred, beautiful, and transformational.

Here are a couple practices I’ve loved so far.

  1. Kirtan Kriya: For New Beginnings and welcoming in the first trimester and the little cosmos. By stimulating each finger tip as your chant allows your body to balance the electromagnetic projection of the aura and welcome in NEW. I find this meditation practice to be very calming and grounding.


    Chant Meaning:

    SAA: Infinity, cosmos, beginning

    TAA: Life, existence

    NAA: Death, change, transformation

    MAA: Rebirth


  2. Adi Shakti Meditation: We are having a little boy and a divine teacher recommended this practice to us for the month 6/7 as Yogi Bhajan called this time in pregnancy as a “acid bath”. Meaning a mixture of hormones that would program the man to become more of a hunter and gather in the primitive times freezing his intuitive/creative side so he could focus on his mission to gather and hunt. When the mantra is chanted the man is thought to become more creative and intuitive in many aspects of his life. Creating an aquarian man with both his natural hunter and gather instincts along with being highly intuitive and honouring his creative side. When women who are pregnant with girls chant this mantra it is thought to enhance their primal power of shakti energy to be aware of her destiny.



    Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo, Namo
    (I bow to the Primal Power)
    Sarb Shakti, Sarb Shakti, Sarb Shakti, Namo, Namo
    (I bow to the all-encompassing Power and Energy)
    Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo, Namo
    (I bow to that which God creates)
    Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo, Namo
    (I bow to the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother Power)

“Adi Shakti is the Divine Mother, the primal, protective, and generating energy in the cosmos. Let us call on the Divine Mother, the Infinite, the powerful. Her jantra (symbolic form) is the two swords of God to protect you, the center of your world. These are the two-edged swords of the being, the negative and the positive. This is her being. This is her presence.” 
–Yogi Bhajan 11/16/73


I am now 31 weeks pregnant today and will be embarking on meditations and practices that support and enhance the birth/labor of our little one. Working with my breath to move through the pressures and discomfort that will come with labor and embracing the energy that surrounds letting go and surrendering to this new chapter.

I’m curious if you practiced kundalini while you were pregnant? Are you pregnant and curious to see how kundalini can assist this journey for you and your little one? I’d love to connect at [email protected] or comment below!





(disclaimer: please consult a medical physician or health care practitioner before adding/removing/trying practices. I am not a doctor or advising you to do anything. Although, this is what has been working well for me! xxx)


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