3 Shifts for an Empowered Workspace

If you have been following along for some time you will know space is everything to me. Especially the physical space that I am in. The environment we are in has SO MUCH impact on our internal environment. This means location, people, what’s in the space, the cleanliness, and energetics. Have you ever wondered why some places make you feel a certain way compared to others? I know for me there are places/spaces in the world that hold a certain feeling. I feel like this is why people travel back to the same place in the world many times; it’s the energy!

But within that energy of the space, it’s what’s in it physically. The physical items create energy just as much as the people in it. When I was living in Vancouver every new moon I would clean my room and shift things around. It was always a redecorating/purging day for me. This provided me the opportunity to get rid of items that I no longer used, clear any mental clutter (yes, this is a real thing!), and freshen up my physical space to inspire and grow with me.

But let’s talk about offices! Do you work out of the same office every day? What does your office look like? Do you LOVE being in your office? Or is it messy, chaotic, and feels thrown together? Perhaps a mix?

I’m going to share the 3 MUST-HAVES for office spaces to keep the energy flowing so you can create your best work along with keeping you focused and aligned with your tasks!

PLANTS: Bring nature into your office. Not only do they clean the air but nature soothes us. There is nothing more powerful than having REAL plants in your office space to keep the energy fresh and the air clean. I love stopping by a local business here in Regina that has the cutest handmade pots and succulents. Welcome to Fat Plant Farm! Kait is my go-to lady for everything succulents. She will educate you on your plant and where it is best to be placed in your office space. I believe the only reason why people “kill plants” are they don’t understand what the plant needs in terms of water, lighting, positioning, and care. But Kait has your back when it comes to picking the best plants for your space. And, those handmade pots are so flipping cute! There is nothing more refreshing in space than natural materials.

ORGANIZATION: Those papers everywhere? They must be organized. When items are randomly placed everything and not in any sort of organization its hard to have an organized mind and thought pattern. I know when I don’t have things organized around me I will easily feel overwhelmed, uninspired, or haven’t seem to get things done in the time I would like too. This simply means, find what works for you. Filing system? or color-code tabs? Organization of your items keeps things moving along smoothly and gives your brain space to think, create, and LOVE your space.

FENG SHUI: Feng shui is a Chinese technique that works with the flow of energy in a given space. This means based on the positioning of your room/house/space there will be a way for you to enhance the flow of energy. Have you walked into a place before and found something to be “off” or you change up a layout in your house/room and it doesn’t feel right? That is the energy flow being either cut off or not at its most optimal positioning. This technique goes into greater detail than just where are certain items but what room is best suited to be for an office, bedroom, bathroom. You can literally build an entire house off this beautiful technique to really enhance the flow of energy in your environment. I would check out feng shui if this is something new for you and see how your layout is right now in your space that you spend the most time in.

There are many other items I have in my office that keep me feeling inspired, clear, and focused on the work that I am creating. But, these three are my top MUST-HAVES in a space that I look at even outside my office. I deeply feel we are greatly impacted by what is around us.

A clean, organized, and neutral space without clutter and very intense graphics/colors are the ways to ease our minds in this very overly stimulated world we live in. Creating a sacred space that FEELS good to you is everything to your health, happiness, creation, and work!

Try it out. See how it feels. I’d love to know how productive and creative you feel after cleaning out your office and bringing in a couple of these tips! Share with me if you're inspired by this post. Even send me a photo and tag @brittanycreid. I’d love to see and hear the results!



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