The First 40 Days: Postpartum

birth postpartum pregnancy Sep 30, 2019

One evening early in our pregnancy I was beginning my preparation for our 120th-day celebration with kundalini and pregnancy which lead me into learning about the 40-day sadhana post childbirth. This of course lead me down a journey of discovering how interested I am about postpartum. Everything from nutrition, spiritual practices, the somatics, aura building, physically, mentally, and what we did years ago to support mama’s in our community. Many cultures share simple concepts around postpartum. Some call it “lying in” other call it “confinement”. Essentially this is a period of time where you do absolutely nothing but bond with your little one, snuggle, feed, rest, heal, and deeply nourish you and your little family. Each culture/lineage looks a bit different so I encourage you to explore and see what feels the most aligned for you and your family.

A book I couldn’t get my hands off was The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the...

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