First 1/4 Life & Business Lessons

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2019

This year started off with a huge surprise. We’re pregnant with a little boy and couldn’t be more excited and blessed to be initiated into parenthood. After a challenging year before of loss, I began the year practicing trust. Trusting at a level that I never knew. I always trusted my decisions in business and leaps we’re my thing…. but trusting my body came back to the wounds and challenges I’ve experienced since a little girl. The business was different this year. I knew things were going to be new, interesting, and all sorts of turns.

I feel every day I learn something new. Isn’t what the self-awareness way? Although after sitting with the first trimester and running a business I LEARNT a lot. And, deeply thank all of my clients for their patience and spaciousness with the most intense first trimester symptoms. #sickallday. In Chinese medicine, they say the stronger the symptoms the healthier the pregnancy. I’ll take it ;)!

  1. Even with help sometimes things need to pause. Whether we have people working for us as an employee or contractors/assistants that run their own business; sometimes there is a pause. And, that is okay. There is so much pressure we put on ourselves to still operate at the level we have been or keep growing and always be scaling upwards. But in reality, pauses are medicine for the soul. I had to pause at the start of the year and everyone that was part of my team was no longer around. I was looking for new people to come on board but in reality, my first trimester took all of my energy. I knew where I needed to focus, on my baby and my clients. My clients are the most important - so that is where I focused. And, resting in between. Lots of resting as my body was adjusting to all of the hormones and fastly multiplying cells.

    You are allowed to pause. You do not always need to be scaling. You can have an ebb period in your business and that is okay. Let go and allow yourself to breathe a bit. Where you are right now is everything!

    *** Another benefit of this pause was being able to see the cracks and come back to a massive celebration and gratitude for everything I have created in my business. It was a gift, like always!


  2. Time is everything. I know that if I could recommend anyone starting a business to take time to map out 1 income stream that comes from the least amount of time. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a lot of work at the beginning stages. But a system that will fulfill your mission, fill your bank account, and give you back heaps of time! Your time is everything. Time is the only thing we have, this very moment. This is a huge reminder for myself and why I will continue to unravel the best time hacks possible. This is a reminder of why I started- not really a lesson I guess. But growing a little one and having my focus shift in August to nurture this little being when he comes earthside is massively important. And, that means more time for us, more time and value more my clients, and less time working in my business. Working 1:1 is wonderful and I will always have an element of this in my business but I also am reminded even more why creating a freedom based business designed around my desires is HUGE! There are so many ways you can still provide the intimate space while working with many people at once. If your curious about what that looks like for you? Send me an email and let's chat- this is my jam!

    Are you wanting to start a business in a fulltime or parttime job? Create a magnetic offering that you can share with many people at the same time. Then, grow that baby! You can easily create massive amounts of impact and income for you and this world even with working in your day job. You don’t have to quit everything to start building something for your future.


  3. Always have a Coach. I decided and was pulled to take more courses and programs rather than a mentorship with a 1:1 coach in the last while… I must say I MISS having a 1:1 coach/mentor myself. I've had the support and guidance through all of the other programs/courses I have invested in. But, there is nothing like having a 1:1 coach ALL THE TIME! It will always be “scary” to invest but there is nothing more powerful and potent than saying YES to yourself and being guided by someone who inspires, motivates you, and can call you on your blocks. The blocks are everything and it is much quicker to get to where you want to go when you have someone on the outside supporting you and cheering you on. Invest, Invest, Invest. Always invest in having a mentor while doing your programs/courses. This mentor doesn’t always have to be about the ROI for your ‘bottom line in business’ but a mentor that will support you in your embodied as an entrepreneur. Ultimately that will bloom and scale your business without even having to FOCUS much on “I need to make X amount.” You and connection to yourself is your bottom line in business- you are the FOUNDATION! It doesn’t always have to be the “sales”, “marketing”, “systems” way- everyone will easily buy into “I will teach you how to X time this….” and I question I have for you is: Are you are still reaching outside yourself for external validation and results to justify yourself to the world?

    What about investing into yourself because you know you are worthy or that investment. Not because of the ROI that will come back in regards to # but what about the ROI that is life-long? That is invaluable and there is no price tag for the results you will have when you invest into yourself for LIFE! Think life long not just for next month ;) .

These are reminders and lessons I have learned personally as a business coach, entrepreneur, and mama to be. Everything is always evolving and you are capable of creating everything you wish in your life/business. Create a sustainable way for yourself and what you will bloom into that you may not even see in your future right now.










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